----------------------------------------------------------------------- Apache Toolbox 1.5.69 Support: http://www.apachetoolbox.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] path) Change PHP's installation path: /usr/local [-] cgi) Build PHP as a CGI program [+] 1) mod_php [+] 2) v4.3.4 [-] 3) IMAP [-] 4) mhash [-] 5) libmcrypt [-] 6) APC (like zendoptimizer) [-] 7) -PDFlib- [-] 8) unixODBC [-] 9) SNMP Support [-] 10) cURL Support [-] 11) MING Support [-] 12) System V semaphore Support [-] 13) System V shared memory [-] 14) BCMATH Support [-] 15) Oracle 8i Support [-] 16) Gettext Support [-] 17) OpenSSL Support [-] 18) Cyrus IMAP Admin Support [-] 19) DOM XML [-] 20) XSLT Support [-] 21) GMP [-] 22) GD 2.0.15 Support [-] 23) suPHP go) Back to main menu... 99) Descriptions ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Choice [?]To select your choice, press the number and then Enter. A + sign will be added next to your choice. In this example, 1 and 2 are selected. Type go next to Choice and press Enter to go back to the Main menu.
Now the Main menu looks like this.
Support: http://www.apachetoolbox.com ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [+] apache) Apache submenu... [+] php) PHP submenu (v4.3.4)... [-] rpm) Build an RPM with your choices? [-] page2) Apache Modules PAGE 2 ... [-] page3) Apache Modules PAGE 3 ... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- [-] 1) GD 2.0.15 [-] 2) -SQL DB Menus- [-] 3) Mod Python 2.7.8 [-] 4) Mod_SSL+OpenSSL [-] 5) -Mod Throttle 312 [-] 6) -WebDAV 1.0.3-1.3.6 [-] 7) -Mod FastCGI [-] 8) -Mod AuthNDS 0.5 [-] 9) -Frontpage 2002 [-] 10) -Mod GZIP [-] 11) -Mod DynaVHost [-] 12) -Mod Roaming [-] 13) -Mod AccessRef 1.0.2 [-] 14) -Mod AuthSYS [-] 15) -Mod Bandwidth [-] 16) -Mod Perl 1.99_10 [-] 17) -Mod Auth LDAP [-] 18) -Mod JK 4.1.29 [-] 19) -Mod Auth Radius [-] 20) -Mod Auth POP3 [-] 21) -Mod Layout 3.2 [-] 22) -Mod DTCL q) Quit 99) Descriptions go) Compile selections... ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Choice [?]