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Installation of LAMP using Apache Toolbox

by Krishnan Subramanian

Frontpage Support

Now we will add Frontpage 2002 support. To do that type 9 next to Choice and press Enter. Your main menu will now look like this.

[+] apache)  Apache submenu...
[+] php)     PHP submenu (v4.3.4)...
[-] rpm)     Build an RPM with your choices?
[-] page2)   Apache Modules PAGE 2 ...
[-] page3)   Apache Modules PAGE 3 ...
[-] 1) GD 2.0.15                [-] 2) -SQL DB Menus-
[-] 3) Mod Python 2.7.8         [-] 4) Mod_SSL+OpenSSL
[-] 5) -Mod Throttle 312        [-] 6) -WebDAV 1.0.3-1.3.6
[-] 7) -Mod FastCGI             [-] 8) -Mod AuthNDS 0.5
[+] 9) -Frontpage 2002          [-] 10) -Mod GZIP
[-] 11) -Mod DynaVHost          [-] 12) -Mod Roaming
[-] 13) -Mod AccessRef 1.0.2    [-] 14) -Mod AuthSYS
[-] 15) -Mod Bandwidth          [-] 16) -Mod Perl 1.99_10
[-] 17) -Mod Auth LDAP          [-] 18) -Mod JK 4.1.29
[-] 19) -Mod Auth Radius        [-] 20) -Mod Auth POP3
[-] 21) -Mod Layout 3.2         [-] 22) -Mod DTCL
         q) Quit                 99) Descriptions
                 go) Compile selections...
Choice [?]