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Installation of LAMP using Apache Toolbox

by Krishnan Subramanian


Now the Apache Toolbox Menu will appear. You can select any module you want. But for this article, we have selected MySQL, PHP and Frontpage 2002 Extensions. We have selected Frontpage 2002 in order to take care of users who want to install it in their Fedora box and there is absolutely no other reason behind it.

[+] apache)  Apache submenu...
[-] php)     PHP submenu (v4.3.4)...
[-] rpm)     Build an RPM with your choices?
[-] page2)   Apache Modules PAGE 2 ...
[-] page3)   Apache Modules PAGE 3 ...
[-] 1) GD 2.0.15                [-] 2) -SQL DB Menus-
[-] 3) Mod Python 2.7.8         [-] 4) Mod_SSL+OpenSSL
[-] 5) -Mod Throttle 312        [-] 6) -WebDAV 1.0.3-1.3.6
[-] 7) -Mod FastCGI             [-] 8) -Mod AuthNDS 0.5
[-] 9) -Frontpage 2002          [-] 10) -Mod GZIP
[-] 11) -Mod DynaVHost          [-] 12) -Mod Roaming
[-] 13) -Mod AccessRef 1.0.2    [-] 14) -Mod AuthSYS
[-] 15) -Mod Bandwidth          [-] 16) -Mod Perl 1.99_10
[-] 17) -Mod Auth LDAP          [-] 18) -Mod JK 4.1.29
[-] 19) -Mod Auth Radius        [-] 20) -Mod Auth POP3
[-] 21) -Mod Layout 3.2         [-] 22) -Mod DTCL
         q) Quit                 99) Descriptions
                 go) Compile selections...
Choice [?]