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GYUM 2.0 for Fedora Core 3

by Thomas Chung on Dec 10, 2004 (Updated 2005-04-04)

UPDATE 2005-01-25
yumex is an excellent alternative solution to gyum.
I highly recommend it since it takes a full advantage of yum 2.1 features including support for reposdir (/etc/yum.repos.d)

UPDATE 2004-12-13 01:41 PM
More screenshots for installing flash-plugin from flash repo with gyum settings

UPDATE 2004-12-11 07:30 PM
Good news everyone! Settings Tab is now fully functional!
This means you can now add/delete/update yum repository server with gyum 2.0-5.FC3
Happy Holidays eveyone!

After receiving so many good feedbacks, I've decided to go back and find a way to make GYUM to be compatible with stock FC3 YUM (yum-2.1.11-3.noarch.rpm) instead of installing older version of special YUM build (yum-2.0.7-3.FC3.GYUM) to work around.

I'm happy to report that I was able to build new GYUM 2.0 which is fully compatible with stock FC3 YUM!

Without further due, here it is:

GYUM 2.0 for FC3 (Thanks to Justin Conover for x86_64 build)

If you already installed older version of special YUM build and GYUM 1.0, please remove them first and install stock FC3 YUM:

[tchung@localhost ~]$ rpm -q yum gyum
[tchung@localhost ~]$ sudo rpm -e yum gyum
[tchung@localhost ~]$ cd yum
[tchung@localhost yum]$ ls
[tchung@localhost yum]$ sudo rpm -Uvh yum-2.1.11-3.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:yum                    ########################################### [100%]
[tchung@localhost yum]$ rpm -q yum
[tchung@localhost yum]$

To install GYUM 2.0 for FC3,

[tchung@localhost gyum]$ ls
[tchung@localhost gyum]$ sudo rpm -Uvh gyum-2.0-2.FC3.i386.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:gyum                   ########################################### [100%]
/etc/yum.conf has been saved as /etc/!
[tchung@localhost gyum]$

Notice, it saves current /etc/yum.conf as /etc/

To launch,

[tchung@localhost gyum]$ gyum


Here are a few screenshots of GYUM 2.0 for FC3.

Here are more step-by-step screenshots in action from a fresh install FC3.

Enjoy my GYUM!

- The original GYUM article
- GYUM 1.0 for Fedora Core 3
- Cobind Yum GUI

GYUM Update Alert Notification Tool (gyum-applet)

by Thomas Chung on 2004-12-08 12:00PM

Here is a sister package called gyum-applet which will replace rhn-applet and allows you to launch GYUM instead of up2date. It also has a link to Fedora Core Updates at FedoraNEWS.ORG Website.

To install,

[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$ rpm -q rhn-applet
[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$ ls
[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$ sudo rpm -Uvh gyum-applet-2.0-0.FC3.i386.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:gyum-applet            ########################################### [100%]
[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$ rpm -q rhn-applet
package rhn-applet is not installed
[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$ rpm -q gyum-applet
[tchung@localhost gyum-applet]$


Before adding new GYUM Update Alert icon, remove current RHN Alert Icon first.
To remove it, right click and choose Exit.

To add gyum-applet, choose "Applications" > "System Tools" > "GYUM Update Alert Icon"
See this screenshot.

And here is the result: