Downloaded the rpm qtopia-desktop-1.7.0-1rh9.i386.rpm,
and type (still as root):
% apt-get install qtopia-desktop-1.7.0-1rh9.i386.rpm #('rpm -ivh ...' should work)
Before syncing with the new version it is a good idea to make a backup of the old Zaurus files. Now you should be ready to fire up the Qtopiadesktop by typing:
% /opt/Qtopia/bin/qtopiadesktop
Otherwise you can create a desktop icon by creating the file '~/Desktop/Qtopia\ Desktop' with the following information:
[Desktop Entry] Comment=Desktop for Zaurus events/contacts/sync Comment[en_US]=Desktop for Zaurus events/contacts/sync Exec='/opt/Qtopia/bin/qtopiadesktop' Icon=/opt/Qtopia/qtopiadesktop/doc/en/ProgramIcon2.png Name=Qtopia Desktop Name[en_US]=Qtopia Desktop Terminal=false Type=Application X-KDE-SubstituteUID=false
Now you should have a fully functional and sync-able connection between a Zaurus PDA and your Fedora box.