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YUM Extender for Fedora Core 3 (and 4)

by Thomas Chung on Dec 10, 2004 (Updated 2005-08-17)

UPDATE 2005-08-17
For the latest release of yumex for FC4, visit Fedora Project Extras

UPDATE 2005-06-15
yumex 0.40 has been released with FC4 support. Please note this version does not support FC3.

UPDATE 2005-04-11
yumex 0.34 has been released.

UPDATE 2005-03-17
yumex 0.32 has been released.

UPDATE 2005-02-12
yumex 0.31 has been released.
Here is the announcement

UPDATE 2005-01-25
yumex 0.30 has been released.
Now it supports a list of packages for Install/Update/Remove Tabs just like gyum!
Here is the screenshots

UPDATE 2004-12-22
yumex 0.23 has been released.

UPDATE 2004-12-15
yumex 0.22 has been released.

Yum Extender for Fedora Core 3 is a GUI application for running Yum commads on selected repositories.

It is developed by Tim Lauridsen after reading a post from He also wanted to learn Python, a programming language and soon he learned he could use pyGTK, a Python wrapper for GTK applications and Glade to build a GUI application. This is how Yum Extender (yumex) has born.

To install the program, download yumex from for FC3 then..:

[tchung@localhost yumex]$ ls
[tchung@localhost yumex]$ sudo rpm -Uvh yumex-0.21-0.tla.1.FC3.noarch.rpm
Preparing...                ########################################### [100%]
   1:yumex                  ########################################### [100%]
[tchung@localhost yumex]$

To launch the program, you can either type..

[tchung@localhost yumex]$ yumex


Here is an example how to install "flash-plugin" from flash repo using yumex:

1. Launch the program as described above and type your root password.

2. Yum Extender Main Window will open.

3. Scroll down and choose flash repo.

4. Choose "install" for Yum Command and type "flash-plugin" in Parameters.

5. Confirm your command by clicking on OK button.

6. Confirm your package by clicking on OK button.

7. Accept the agreement for flash-plugin by clicking on Accept button.

8. Installation has been completed. Make sure to press [ESC] key to exit.
