UPDATE 2004-12-08
GYUM 2.0 for Fedora Core 3 is now available.
UPDATE 2004-12-07
Finally, GYUM (Graphical User Interface for YUM) for Fedora Core 3 has arrived at FC3
UPDATE 2004-07-30 02:50 PM
OK, by popular demand, I've just rebuilt for FC2
UPDATE 2004-07-30 11:40 AM
A few people reported that they can't run it under FC2.
Well, as you can see from the RPM file name, it was tested and compiled under FC1 only! By the time I finished this aricle, it was already 4:00 AM in the morning and I didn't have a chance to test it under FC2. Please bear in mind this is an experiment to modify 'already' exisitng program - 'YUMGUI'- and make it fit for your own environment and needs.
I believe they already have RPM packages for FC2 at http://cobind.com/download_yumgui.html.
I just found out this very cool program call "YUMGUI" from http://cobind.com/yumgui.html which is a Graphical User Interface for YUM!
But I didn't like the binary name "yumi" and I wish it was something like "gyum" as in GUI for YUM. Also I didn't want to see Cobind Logo splashing in the beginning everytime.
The power of GPL gives you to modify it as it fits your needs so I've decided to recompile the source with my own name modification and a custom splash screen.
Here is the result:
GPL also gives you a power to re-distribute a modified binary anong with the source:
GYUM Binary RPM: gyum-1.0-1.fc1.noarch.rpm
GYUM Source RPM: gyum-1.0-1.fc1.src.rpm
GYUM Source TAR: gyum-1.0.tar.gz
GYUM RPM Spec: gyum.spec
BTW, you need the latest yum - yum-2.0.7-1.noarch.rpm in order to gyum to be working.
To install it, simply download both gyum-1.0-1.fc1.noarch.rpm and yum-2.0.7-1.noarch.rpm then install with:
[tchung@localhost gyum]$ ls gyum-1.0-1.fc1.noarch.rpm yum-2.0.7-1.noarch.rpm [tchung@localhost gyum]$ sudo rpm -Uvh *.rpm Preparing... ########################################### [100%] 1:yum ########################################### [ 50%] 2:gyum ########################################### [100%] [tchung@localhost gyum]$
To launch it, simply type:
[tchung@localhost gyum]$ gyum
Type your root password:
Then, you will see following nice Graphical User Interface for YUM!
Enjoy my GYUM!